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About the Company

Trusa Trust Worldwide Kommanditbolag

Trusa Trust KB is a Trust company officially registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office under Registration Number 969795-2522. Trusa Trust KB as Professional Trustee (Regulated Provider of Trust Management Services) in accordance with the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act 2017:630 (AML/CFT Compliance) with the Stockholm County Administrative Board as Supervisory Authority for AML/CFT purposes. Trusa Trust KB is storing, holding and safekeeping assets and values of Trusts structured under various jurisdictions. The entity benefits of the expertise of their management competences who have been working for years in the European Fintech Sector. The Swedish Trust Management company is offering for each single individual or corporate customer electronic wallets and accounts. Clients can manage the electronic wallets and accounts by using Trusa Trust Worldwide ‘ online banking or depot software and user plugins.

What we do

Storing, Safekeeping and holding assets in Trusts

Trusa Trust KB, offering customers worldwide (according to its company purpose and regulation) the opportunities to store, manage, safekeep customers assets of any kind. Focused on offering electronic accounts to store FIAT currency, customers discover easily the benefits of this priceless trust relationship: The entity also enables access through its affiliates, brokerage companies and digital exchanges a vast portfolio of additional services which fully verified Trust clients can use to manage their assets, generate profits or exchange funds into other currencies, spot metals and/or digital currencies. Those are third party services and not part of our offer, but access is given whenever wanted and desired.

Compliance policy

AML and KYC are our strength

Nothing is more important these days than identifying customers, the origin of their funds, the secure and safe enviroment to store those assets and of course providing innovative tools and facilities to ease the daily handling and managing of these trusted values. Trusa Trust KB understood from its very beginning, that only tough regulations, crystal clear proceedings to prevent Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing will result at the end in outstanding solutions of which each client settlor will benefit. More banking options, more management functions, better bank partners and smooth transactions without compliance concerns - Goal achieved by Trusa Trust KB.

Better Understanding


A Swedish regulated Trust company cannot be compared to offshore trusts. In Sweden, an entity managing assets professionally as a Trustee needs to comply with Anti Money Laundering (AML) Legislation and is required to be registered as a Regulated Provider of Trust Management Services and be subject to supervision by a Supervisory Authority for AML purposes. The requirement before onboarding a client is the creation of an individual trust for each single client and of course the extensive AML and KYC checks. The created trusts are fully subject to income/corporate tax in the countries of residence of each beneficiary / settlor.
